Geometry Dash Wowzers Holy

Geometry Dash Wowzers Holy

Geometry Dash Wowzers Holy

Geometry Dash Wowzers Holy



Geometry Dash Wowzers Holy has three user coins and a 10-star rating as an Easy Demon. The level has a simple design. The ball and UFO only have a few difficult phases. The remainder of the level is fairly easy. There is a basic cube stage at the beginning of the level. Simply hop on the platforms and go to the first drop, the ship stage. Next, we leap between the spikes on some portions of the UFO, which frequently modifies gravity. Then everything is done again, but on a smaller scale. You must pay close attention to the click pattern when using a UFO because one mistake would prevent you from reaching your destination at the conclusion of the level.

Tips to collect user coins

  • You must take the 14% key in order to obtain the first coin. In the robot's portal, the currency will be 37 percent.
  • You must take the key at 41% in order to take the second coin. You can find the second coin 56% below the block.
  • You must take the key at 91% in order to obtain the third coin. At this point, the third and final coin will be at 97%.
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