Heist Defender
Heist Defender

Heist Defender


Heist Defender



In Heist Defender, put your investigative abilities to the test and emerge as the hero the bank so well deserves! Keep the money in the bank and shoot the opposition.

Introduce gameplay of Heist Defender

The game, which is set in the middle of a busy city, puts you in the shoes of an elite team entrusted with defending the bank's valuables from a hazardous group of criminals. The security of the bank's assets rests entirely on your shoulders as the genius behind its defense mechanisms. To prevent the bank's vault from being looted, you must use quick reflexes and clever thinking to foil the sly robbers. Let us struggle to defeat numerous adversaries. In subsequent stages, you can purchase new firearms, select a weapon to shoot the adversaries with, and finish the missions. 


  • Use WASD and arrow key to move
  • Use  Left mouse click to shoot
  • Use  Right mouse click for scope
  • Use  1,2,3,4 and Scroll to change guns

Start your mission right now! 

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